How To Donate - AVIS City of Sacile

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How To Donate

Those who intend to become a donor’s blood may go to a home or an Avis assembly center or transfusion service of the hospital in their city.

Interview with the doctor
The interview will help to establish the suitability and to identify what kind of donations is more appropriate : whole blood or apheresis.
After the medical examination will be carried out the blood sample necessary for the laboratory examinations required to accept the suitability of the gift.
Ascertained the suitability the new donor will be invited to make the first donation.
Clinical evaluation and signing of the acceptance form and consent to donation.
For every donation the doctor first perform a clinical evaluation of the donor (heart rate, blood pressure, hemoglobin ), then the interview for the detection of any situations that make the donation so contraindicated for the safety of the donor and one of the receiving ( including risk behaviors occurred from last donation) and finally he will require the signature of the donor’s consent to donation.
The morning of the blood collection it is preferable to be fasting or doing a light breakfast with fresh fruit or juice, tea or coffee with a little bit of sugar, not flavored bread or other simple carbohydrates.
Woman who have ongoing contraceptive therapy should not discontinue the daily intake.

The blood collection
The whole blood collection is absolutely harmless for the donor and has a duration of about 5-8 minutes.
The maximum volume of blood collected, established by law, is equal to 450 cubic centimeters +/- 10%.

After the blood collection
After the blood collection a refreshment is offered to replenish fluids and improve the comfort after donation. To employees is recognized by law a paid working day.
Examinations required for each donation and periodic inspections.
For every donation the donor and the blood collected are subjected to the following test:
  • emocromocitometico comprehensive examination
  • transaminases ALT with optimized method
  • serodiagnosis for Lue
  • HIV 1-2 (for AIDS)
  • HBsAg (for hepatites B)
  • HCVAb and viral constituents (for hepatitis C)
  • Confirmation of blood group (A B 0) and Rh factor
At the first donation are determined:
  • A B 0
  • Full Rh phenotype
  • Kell
  • Search of irregular anti-erythrocyte antibodies

The time interval between a donation and the other
The minimum interval between a whole blood donation and the other is 90 days.
Normally, therefore, men can donate whole blood 4 times in a year, instead woman 2 times (in a year).
Woman can’t donate blood during menstruation or pregnancy, and for a year after giuing birth.
Address AVIS Sacile
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