AVIS City of Sacile - AVIS City of Sacile

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AVIS City of Sacile

Who We Are
The Sacile municipal Avis was created by Carmelo Agostini, at that time President regional FVG.
The regional council Avis approved the constitution of the municipal section of Sacile to unanimity with the consent of 7 (seven) donors, present at a meeting in which where they threw foundations for the future, identifying the path and strategies to be implemented.

Only after a meeting with the provincial council of AVIS and the AFDS associations of the sacilese, it was decided the continuation of the overhaul (re-foundation) of the Avis at Sacile.
It was of course re-foundation because a few decades earlier in Sacile, there was already Avis and it was among the sections of the right Tagliamento (river) more numerous and active.
What happened then is still for some ways inexplicable: after the split of the AVIS and the birth of AFDS (association friulana blood donors), all the area off the Sacilese chose to change and become AFDS. More on that choice, you might discuss the method by which they arrived to decide to choose the friulana association. Anyhow at the end it was important that there were donors and they donate, because in that time there wasn’t self-sufficient, there was no speaking about plasmapheresis, of plateletpheresis nor will stem etc.
Times were difficult, and it should be recognized that the AFDS has ben able to be work very well.

For AVIS remained a void to be filled, and finally in 2010 (the AVIS in Sacile could revive).
Today’s figures show us that the choice made was good, and the AVIS activity is shared from scratch, increasing day by day donors and donations: the goal of origin has been reached and now it has become a new beginning!

The first president was Angelo Stella, who remained in office for two years. To him the merit of having taken up the challenge and have begun an uphill path.
Subsequently was elected Fabio Larosa, who collected (picked up) the legacy, but who knew how to dare and lay the foundations for the future, increasing donors and donations only attributable at the AVIS activities.
Fabio Larosa is still in office with the same reasons that can be summarized with this message:
"donating gives life and remains a great gesture of love of neighbor !”

Badges delivered to municipal AVIS Sacile
Nr. 01 Gold with ruby
Nr. 04 Silver
Nr. 27 Copper
Address AVIS Sacile
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